Monday, April 28, 2008

Giants Game

Giants Game

We took the kids to the Giants game on Sunday. The weather was beautiful, and we had a great visit with my friend Kristi and her family. Jack enjoyed sitting on the floor, eating ballpark munchies, and Anthony had fun hitting in the kids park. I think that Phil and I would have had more fun if we could actually pay attention to the game! :)

Cool Brenner

Beautiful day at the Park

We had a wonderful visit with Paola, Ayli, and Brenner at the park last week. The kids rode their bikes, and we a lot of fun races!!

Jack's Haircut

Even though Jordan was very disappointed, I buzzed Jack's hair! His curls were beautiful, but now I really pay attention to his adorable face. The boys look a lot more alike now, and I think that Jack likes that his curls don't tickle his ears anymore! They look so grown up!

Fun in the Sun

70 Degrees?? Bring out the sprinklers! The boys had a blast!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Jordan's 11th Birthday

Jordan was Hannah Montana for her school's talent show! She did a great job singing!
Anthony and Jordan's sister Anna at Jordan's Birthday dinner
Jordan got a cell phone! AAAHHHH!
Uncle Joe and Jack at dinner.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mommy and Jack

Friday, April 4, 2008

March 2008

Okay well a month has flown by and it is hard to recall all that has happened! The most exciting news that came in March was that we found out that our final bundle of joy is a girl!! I think I was in shock for the first couple of days, but the more I get to talk to other people about a girl, the more excited I am becoming. Not that I didn't want a girl, I am just so used to boys, I feel like our household is going to make such a shift! Phil and I have been throwing names back and forth, I am sure when she arrives we will have agreed, or at least settled on something! Jordan of course is totally overjoyed that it is a girl, we have finally balanced the battle of the sexes in the house. Anthony was not so excited in the beginning, he was hoping for another brother. He kept looking at the ultrasound and telling me that it looked like a boy's head. After a couple of days he got over it, and he is really excited to help me with all the baby chores.

We also had spring break in March. We spent a couple of days at Keri's cabin by Lake Don Pedro. It was a nice little getaway, although we tend to get restless after awhile. The boys had fun running around naked in the pool, and playing hockey with daddy.

Jordan has started her softball games, and they have been really fun to watch. She is their star pitcher right now, which is great for her because she is used to being the young one on her teams. She has had a great year filled with new activities, I can't believe she will be in the 6th grade next year!