Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Halloween 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Fall Update

My nephew Ethan
My neice Alana could be a Jack-O-Lantern for Halloween!

Jordan and my Nan visiting from England

All of the girls...

Anthony still manages to look tough even though he is dressed as a butterfly! Gotta protect the rep......

Her hair is going to be crazy like her sisters!! (See above)

It is already October. Oh dear, let's see if I can keep this short......
We are all back to work and school....BOOOOOO! Anthony has had a great start at Kindergarten. He is learning to read, and he wants to do "extra" homework every night. The motivation for doing the extra homework is to get "Captain's stamps". If he gets enough captain stamps, he gets to look in the prize box......oooo la la. He has already looked in the prize box twice. The funny thing is, I don't think that the prize is the most exciting part for Anthony, it's the competition to GET to the prize is what attracts him. The boy is NOT lazy, and he is very persistent at getting what he wants. It drives me crazy and makes me proud all at the same time. Jack has begun his new school, the CO-OP Preschool in PG. It is so neat to think that he is not only in the same school that I was in, but he has the same teacher. He is developing a lot of new friends. And these friends all live close to us, so I am sure he is going to make some great relationships out of this. Jack has been going through a bit of a attachment thing with me lately. He says goodbye to me about 25 times before I leave in the morning, and gets really upset if he feels like it wasn't enough. He will choose to go run errands with me over going to a movie or football game with Dad. I am sure it will run it's course. Miss Alex acts like she is 3 or something. She runs after the boys, usually wacking them over the head with something. She plays Star Wars in the front yard with them, holding her own lightsaber. I can usually hear the boys screaming in the other room because Alex has just bitten them. Then when I go into the room, she gives me this evil grin. She loves playing with baby dolls right now. She rocks them back and forth, and gives them kisses. She says dadda, momma, bye bye, night (goodnight), eyes, nose, mouth, out, jordan, and well, um, spongebob. She calls him bob bob. Not my proudest mothering moment, but I am sorry, I love Spongebob! Jordan is 12 going on 21. She is great. Her face and body are changing out of the awkward middle school stages, and she is just getting more and more beautiful. Her social calendar is growing, and I am sure this is when we will start hitting the roadbumps. Boys, friends, trouble! Jordan has such a good head on her shoulders, hopefully she will come to us when she needs us. Like in life, I will spend all of my time on my children and give you a brief update on the grownups. Phil turns 40 this week! He is the new 8th grade counselor at Palma, yeah! He is also going to teach some new classes this spring. They are filling his schedule, but he seems to really like it. I have been feeling like crap lately. My back has been killing me, turns out I have 4 ribs out of place, and a jacked up hip from my little angel Alex. I have been to the chiropractor 7 times in the last two weeks. I am slowly getting better. I am ready to get myself back into shape!! I am weak, and I hate weak. Finding some time is the key.......Sorry if this was more than you wanted to know about the Giammanco's, but hey, this is our blog! LOVE!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A week at the lake....

Grandma and Alana on the Tube

Jack filling the lake.....

Anthony and Daddy, cruisin'

You know we all wish we could walk around naked.....

Phil is in heaven.....

Swim lessons

My little redhead....