Friday, February 20, 2009

February 2009

Oh my goodness! Alex is six months old, Jack is 3, and it is baseball season already. I am barely keeping up with anything these days, so this is going to be short and sweet. Jordan had a great basketball season, she showed more aggressiveness and spirit than ever before. She loved basketball, and it totally showed. She is turning into such a little lady, still wonderful and funny as ever. Anthony is Anthony, he just turned the intensity up about 50 points. He is flexing his kid muscles, and likes to question EVERYTHING! But in the next moment he is nurturing his sister, and protecting Jack, so what's a mom supposed to do. Jack is three and people are commenting that he finally has a voice. He loves to talk now, and he says "I love you" about 20 times a day, what a love bug. He doesn't have much of a competetive nature, which is a nice change. The kid eats about 20 servings of fruit a day. And then there's Alex, she is growing faster than we can keep up. She is sitting up, eating cereal and limited fruit and veggies. She is babbling up a storm. Phil is now in the real baseball season, enough said. I am surviving, kind of! We are a couple of weeks away from moving! Here are some pictures of the house! SOOOOOO CLOSE! Love you guys!