Friday, May 27, 2011


Oh my, it has really been a year since I have updated our blog. What at year it has been....

Jordan just turned 14 and will be graduating middle school next week. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful young woman we have. She has her first "boyfriend", and we are seeing her blossom into teenage-hood. It is scary and exciting all at the same time. She played basketball and softball this year, and did really well in both. It will be fun to watch her at Salinas High next year getting more and more competitive. She tested for GATE at Salinas High and was accepted into their program. As always, she is wonderful with the other kids and we feel complete when she is with us.

Anthony is crazy as ever, at least when it comes to sports. He played soccer, basketball and baseball this year, although you can tell his love is baseball. I don't know if it is because daddy coaches baseball, and he loves everything daddy loves, or if this will really be his sport. Every homework assignment some how is about the Giants or Posey or playing catch. It is so fun to watch him play, he is seriously into the game, he loves balls and strikes and outs and close plays. We have had a couple of conversations with him about "not arguing with calls", and letting the parents make the calls. He is SO into the game, it is hilarious. The key is encouraging his passion for the game, yet keeping him respectful of adults!! He received all "4"s in his report card.. which is great! His teacher noted that his competitive athletic nature is also carried into the classroom. YEAH! At least it doesn't die on the ball field.

Then there is our Jacky-Boy. Or Ferdinand the Bull I like to call him. I take him to karate and he is so strong and athletic. He can do a ton of real push ups, kick the crap out of the karate guards, and then he cries to me because he misses his great nan. All of the mothers in his pre-school class LOVE him because he is polite, sweet, and sensitive. I think I could set up multiple pre-arranged marriages if I needed to. He is definitely ready for kindergarten. He has gotten bored with pre-school, and is ready for a challenge. I love his incredible imagination.

And for the great finale is our Alexandra. This was an incredibly challenging year with her. She is seriously head strong, and seriously smart. She hasn't turned 3 yet, but somehow knows how to express herself so well, and how to push mommy and daddy's buttons. Only in the last month, she has been slowly coming out of her "fight mode", and is learning how to behave to get her way. I guess we never really had the terrible two's with the boys, so we are getting it in 3-fold with Alex. I swear I look at her and I can imagine her as a teenager already. She loves sports like her brothers, except she plays them in a dress, because then she looks "fabulous", in Alex's words. She loves Beyonce and Pink, and has a matching attitude.

Hope all is well with each of you. We are healthy and happy, so we can't ask for too much more.